Friday, January 28, 2022

The Reconstruction of Skin

 There are five major organs in human beings.The skin is the second largest organ.Everyone is very conscious about its skin.The underlying system of our skin contains muscles,ligament,internal system and bones.Skin is our upper layer  of defence against the environment and it also performs different functions.There are given below some functions such as;

  •   Excessive water loss

  • Sensation

  • Protection against pathogen

  • Production of vitamin D

  • Insulation 

                             Why else do we have skin?

The basic function is that skin provides  the ability to grow skin and transplant for reconstruction of uses.Our body cannot exist without skin protection.The skin plays a very important role in human life.Skin may seems like a last thought we see it every day in the mirror also moisturised it and protect it from the sun and harmful environmental area. We are also need skin specialist for the skin care.

                                            Skin Reconstruction

Skin reconstruction includes tissue expansion and skin grafting.The people who seek skin reconstruction suffer from skin cancer,hand injuries,bedsores,breast cancer and severe burn wounds.There are the major diseases about the skin reconstruction.


                                                   Tissue expansion 

The tissue expansion is the type of skin reconstruction.Basically tissue expansion allows the body to grow extra skin for the use in reconstruction procedure.

Surgeons are inserting an instrument known as a "balloon expander" under the skin .The balloon is filled with a saline solution for stretching and growing the skin.When skin is grown then it is used to reconstruct the damaged body part.The procedure can take four to three months for recover the patient.

                                                      Skin grafting 

Skin grafting is usually used for burn patients.In skin grafting patients with extensive wounding and extensive skin loss due to infection.The first requirement of the skin grafting is remove the damaged skin with surgical procedure.There are two major types of skin graft;autograft and allograft.The body will ultimately reject the foreign skin so that is 

in skin grafting the skin is removed from another part of the body and attached to the skin into the damaged area of the body; this method is called autograft. It is long term treatment.In the same situation the patient is very injured to perform autograft then in this situation the doctor will recommend temporary skin covering to slow down the chances of infection. The second procedure is called allograft.As compared with autograft it is a temporary method but very useful.The skin graft saves thousands of lives every year but it's a very painful procedure for patients.


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